Thursday, August 12, 2010

Is Steven Slater a Hero or Idiot?

I vote idiot. He could have easily killed ground workers by deploying the slide. There are better ways to deal with unruly passengers. Passengers that do not listen to airline attendant instructions can actually be fined $25,000- that would have been more effective than possibly killing and injuring ground workers with a slide.


  1. I vote that he is a vulnerable person who suffered a meltdown from stress and probably a very nice guy to boot. Neither do we know what other stresses with which he is dealing. He didn't ask to be a hero or public figure and was surprised when this story went viral. Those of us who understand what a meltdown from our own personal and professional experiences with disrespect and abuse can only breathe a sigh of relief that we were not held up for public judgment and unkindly labeled idiots. Instead, I had a wonderful therapist who believed in me and helped me learn how to avoid abusive personalities,and when I couldn't, how to deflect their aggressive behavior and how to tap into my spirituality to find peace in this chaotic world. My hope for Steven is that he go through the same process and use his new found celebrity status to share his story.

  2. I understand what Donna is saying & too have had a couple meltdowns in my life. I don't think Steve is a hero, but he didn't expect to be.

    I think the media are idiots sometimes. The stories they follow some days blow me away. I guess they just want to please their viewers/readers. I think the news services should focus on real news, but that doesn't always pay their bills.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Jo!!

  3. This cracked me up. The flight attendants always tell people to stayed seated while the plane is taxiing. Why do people act like 5 year olds that have to go pee right before they get off. So dumb.
